Interview on Newspaper Sud Ouest – 15.11.18

Interview on Newspaper Sud Ouest – 15.11.18

Dear subscribers of my blog,

I’m sharing with you a post I made yesterday on social networks.

Last week I met a journalist from the newspaper Sud Ouest, whom I thank warmly. We talked of course about my experience as an author but especially about my latest novel, Poussières de toi, a novel that deals with the theme that is close to my heart, perinatal mourning. I knew the article would come out, but to have it in front of me and to read it, I felt strange. Happy, but scared. It’s not easy to unveil yourself like that, it’s always more comfortable to hide behind a screen. It took me all day to make up my mind, and at 5 p.m. I shared the article on the networks, telling myself that it was also the culmination of my work on this book and that I couldn’t keep it to myself.


“I was very hesitant to share with you this article from the Sud Ouest published today, because even though I’m super happy that my book Poussières de toi and its subject, perinatal bereavement, are being talked about, it’s still difficult for me to present myself like this, without a filter of happiness in front of you, and to talk about this personal subject for me.
It’s also difficult because I’m a secret person, even if you can’t see it here or on social networks, I put up barriers around me to protect myself. I’m always afraid of being hurt and suffering, that’s why an article presenting my vulnerability is not easy to share.
I do it because I absolutely want my book to help parents who have experienced the loss of a child, and to give support to those around me.
I would also like to remind you that this book is NOT a testimony, as one might think when reading the article. My character Alice is not me. But we are similar in our feelings and emotions during this difficult time.
So, here it was today in the newspaper Sud-Ouest, and it is below ⤵️

Love you.

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