Poussières de toi in the Top 100 and first reviews

Poussières de toi in the Top 100 and first reviews

Hello dear friends,

I am super happy because the launch day of my new novel went very well. Poussières de toi even managed to reach to the 38th place in the Top 100 of Amazon, which is new for me.

This morning, it was at 57th. It will perhaps spend the weekend and if that is the case, I’ll be thrilled!

I share with you, the first reviews I have, and others will arrive this weekend!

“Can we mourn the absence of those we didn’t know?
If one hides hope, dreams, all these possibilities that cling to them, it seems ridiculous and inappropriate. Yes, if we bury our very essence, our humanity, we can probably move on.
With delicacy, accuracy and modesty, the author tells us about the absence, the emptiness and the unanswered questions left by a child who was never born. Why is she so right? Because she has not chosen a style where superlatives would tear us to pieces, but because she explains with words, hard or soft, that absence simply hurts. She also tells, through the reactions of Alice’s entourage, how introspective and personal the journey is.
Words are lacking to say how much this novel has moved me.”

“Often little attention is paid to those children who have not seen the light of day, to the perinatal bereavement that follows a ” incident of course ” in pregnancy, also known as ” nature’s mistake “. Out of decency, it is omitted and erased from the conversation. Especially when other children, beautiful and chubby, followed. What could we complain about?
But what we forget to point out is that these children who are not born alive leave an immense and indelible imprint deep inside us. There are so many of them, these children that we carried for a few days, a few months, that we imagined living in our family, playing, laughing, enjoying life, and who flew away, leaving only a few dusts of them. What woman, what mother can say that she has never experienced such a tragedy? Very few, alas…

So, a huge thank you to Lily B Francis for this vibrant, magnificent, powerful, gentle and moving tribute to these children who left too early, for this novel full of hope in the end, which, I am sure, will help many women, couples, to continue to live despite this immense emptiness.”

With love


6 Replies to “Poussières de toi in the Top 100 and first reviews”

  1. D Lawrence Marinack says:

    Way to go Lily!

    1. lilybfrancis says:

      Hey!! Thank you so much D.!!

  2. Jon Paul says:

    Hey, nice book! Can I interview you for my blog?

    1. lilybfrancis says:

      Hi! Thanks a lot, I would love to do an interview for your blog. You can send me an email if you want : lilybfrancis@gmail.com

  3. Jon Paul PR Guy says:

    LoVe that tweet about the cat’s face title making sense on Twitter! Nice! Very Funny! I laughed too! Hey, check out DrMargaretSpeaks.com Baby book. It’s A good read. With your grief issue! It’s a different way to heal. But, really cool.

    1. lilybfrancis says:

      Thanks, I’ll check out that book.

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